make a differenceJourney with purpose
The Isibindi Foundation allows guests at Isibindi Africa Lodges to be philanthropic travellers, as their contribution ensures a meaningful impact in the lives of people residing in our communities, and the conservation of our natural areas through our various projects.
“People are not going to care about animal conservation, unless they think that animals are worthwhile”
- sir David Attenborough
Like all good starts with a seed and becomes a village.
Our new Isibindi Foundation video is about our beautiful landscapes, rich and diverse cultures and magnificent wildlife, but most of all it's about our sense of purpose that has guided us at Isibindi Africa Lodges for 29 years. Our commitment to Africa and its people.
Your greatness is not in what you have, it’s in what you give!

Saving our Rhinoin the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park
The Isibindi Foundation alongside Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge has launched a campaign to assist in the protection of rhino within Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HIP) by supporting the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife HIP K9 Unit.
Saving our rhinoOverview of the campaign
The Isibindi Foundation alongside Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge has launched a campaign to assist in the preservation of rhino within Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park (HIP) by supporting the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife HIP K9 Unit. K9 Units require substantial funding as the training of dogs and handlers is expensive. The approximate cost of a trained dog is in the region of R90 000.00, and handler training is R39 000.00. The total combined cost for dog and handler is R129 000.00. The areas where the funds raised will be used include the expansion of the unit (our goal is to add 3 more dogs and handlers to the unit) and to ensure the longevity of the unit by ensuring its long-term sustainability and maintenance. Watch our award winning campaign video below: