news & blogs#Mabibi
Read all about the exciting experiences in and around our special lodges
Thonga Beach Lodge Guiding News
For those of you reading this that are new to the Isibindi family, past guests or just haven’t had the...
Thonga Blue
In my family, we ascribe different names for colours after our favourite holiday destinations. Oia blue is a deep Prussian...
African Icons book has a special focus on the turtles of Isimangaliso
World renowned African travel writer David Bristow and award-winning photographers Roger and Pat de la Harpe have brought their creative...
Beautiful Food
Chef Carl Moller, Executive Head Chef of all Isibindi Africa Lodges, is one of those true creative types. Here he...
Slowing Down Time
The food is so good here at Thonga Beach Lodge, that paradoxically, you need a strategy to avoid wolfing everything...
Living the Good Life
I have heard that the Thonga Beach Lodge Head Chef has been newly promoted to Executive Chef over all Isibindi...